When compulsive sexual thoughts and impulses are the primary focus of a person’s life, they might be diagnosed with sex addiction. This condition is sometimes misunderstood and stigmatized. But long-term uncontrollable sexual impulses and behaviors are real, just like addictions to alcohol or drugs. They can cause serious problems for both individuals and their loved ones.
Those who suffer from sex addiction are unable to control their sexual behavior or stop performing these actions, even when they know they’re hurting themselves and others. They often feel out of control and struggle to cope with feelings of distress or guilt. They might have a feeling of being on autopilot and have no ability to make their own choices, or they might keep their sexual activity secret from significant others.
Many treatment centers offer sex addiction recovery programs that include inpatient therapy. This type of program takes people away from their normal daily activities and allows them to work through their issues in a safe setting with other people who have similar struggles. A twelve-step program is also popular for those who have sex addiction and can be helpful in building a strong support system during the recovery process.
Research shows that most people with sex addiction have suffered a form of trauma in their childhood. This can be emotional, physical or sexual abuse. These traumas can lead to a number of different responses, including attempts to block or numb residual feelings, finding pleasure in extreme risk-taking and engaging in compulsive behavior.Sex therapist san diego