YouTube Marketing is part of a marketing strategy. We all know that YouTube is also owned by Google, the most important search engine in the world.
Why YouTube
Videos ranks higher on Google search than even the most SEO optimized and back-linked blog post or article. Even the SEO guru himself – Rob Fore and many of the industry’s top leaders use videos on YouTube to communicate with their lists and subscribers.
Network Marketing success depends largely on building relationships, when potential prospects see your face and hear you on a YouTube video, that builds instant rapport and a bond with your audience. They feel they know you and it takes your believable factor to a whole new level, higher than just words on a blog or post. People need to see and relate to a real person.
Any lead found via YouTube marketing is also a more superior and qualified lead, and automated rapport builds with daily visitors to your channel which can actually happen on auto-pilot for years, after posting the video.
On this powerful and under-utilized channel of YouTube video marketing, a video post takes less time to actually produce or create than an article. An average well crafted article or post, takes about two hours or more if it’s for generating leads or traffic to another portal like your blog or other websites.
We need to break free from the barriers and fear of video marketing. That fear of criticism, ridicule and mean comments, our physical appearances, lack of confidence and the thinking that our videos have to be perfectly scripted and well produced. Be genuine, real and relatable. People distrust guru-like personalities. Be yourself and do it afraid.
Keys to Success in Implementing a YouTube Video Marketing Strategy:
- Use Keyword Research to find what people are looking for and to optimize your video in the title, description,script, and actual video title for the chosen keyword.
- Always direct your prospects to your capture page and put the link in the first part of the description.
- Use Social back-linking like TribePro to increase back-links to your video URL and increase ranking on both YouTube and Google.
- Time stamp your video with your keyword in the description and YouTube actually adds extra back-links. (More details in Traffic Mojo Series in MLSP)
- In creating the video, be yourself, be excited, speak with confidence and do it afraid, till you get comfortable!
- Build commonality, mention your location, smile and greet your audience.
- Your video must have a purpose, so introduce it, provide content and give the call to action. You have to direct them to the purpose of your YouTube marketing video.
The Best Kinds of YouTube Marketing Videos:
Sometimes we get stuck thinking, “what should I make a video on?” You can make a video on anything, but for business purposes, some great topics are:
- Marketing Strategies, Marketing Mind-sets and Aha Moments
- Company, Books, Product and Leader reviews
- Value-based training or Personal developments videos.
- Trainings or webinars provide hot, fresh and relevant content or ideas.
If you are new to this, keep it simple – listen to a webinar or wake-up call and make a one minute video about what you learnt on that call or training, upload it and then promote it with youtube market