The Health Benefits of Organic Coffee

Coffee can be a healthy part of your diet, if consumed in moderation. It has many potential health benefits, including heart and brain health.

Fairtrade has raised its Minimum Price to a level that can enable farmers to make progress toward living incomes. The new prices reflect the impact of climate change and increased global economic volatility.


The world’s most popular psychostimulant, caffeine is found in coffee beans, tea leaves and cocoa, as well as soft drinks, energy drinks, some prescription drugs and non-prescription pain relievers. Caffeine can have an immediate effect on attention, mood and performance, but its half-life is short, meaning the effects wear off within about 12 hours.

Research shows that consuming too much caffeine can make you dependent, which means it takes more to feel the same effect. It also disrupts sleep, so it’s important to drink your coffee before bedtime. However, a moderate amount of caffeine can be beneficial and actually improve alertness, if consumed earlier in the day.

Caffeine interacts with several brain neurotransmitters including adenosine, ryanodine, g-aminobutyric acid and the cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase isoenzymes. It acts as an antagonist of adenosine receptors (ARs), and this may account for its psychomotor stimulant properties. Additionally, it acts as an inhibitor of acetylcholinesterase, inhibiting the breakdown of this important brain chemical. This may explain its role in improving memory, learning and cognitive function.

It is also thought that caffeine has anxiogenic and stress-reducing effects and can enhance the function of neurons in the prefrontal cortex, the area of the brain responsible for memory and executive functions. The study also showed that habitual coffee consumption was associated with higher levels of mental health and physical wellbeing, as measured by the Mood and Anxiety Inventory.

Another major benefit of consuming coffee is its association with lower risks of dementia, stroke and heart disease. Stroke is the leading cause of death and disability worldwide, affecting 13.7 million people every year, with 5.5 million dying as a result. A new study, led by UniSA researchers, has found that drinking three to five cups of coffee a day was linked to higher levels of brain volume, reduced risk of dementia and better heart health in middle age.

The research incorporated a range of biological and psychological measurements and involved the largest cohort ever studied to include both chronic coffee consumers and those who never drink it. It was the first time that volumetric brain imaging data were combined with a large collection of self-report questionnaires on depression, anxiety and other psychological measures.


Antioxidants are substances that help the body fight against disease by neutralizing unstable molecules called free radicals. These molecules develop when atoms lose or gain electrons, creating unbalanced molecule chains that can damage cells and other parts of the body. Free radicals are a natural byproduct of the body’s metabolism and can also be produced in the environment from pollution, UV radiation and cigarette smoke. These unbalanced molecules can disrupt the normal function of the body, resulting in oxidative stress.

Oxidative stress can cause a wide range of health issues including heart disease, cancer, arthritis, emphysema and respiratory diseases. The body produces its own antioxidants, which are natural chemicals that can neutralize free radicals and bring oxidative stress back into balance. They are found in many foods and can also be taken as supplements. The popularity of consuming antioxidant-rich foods and taking antioxidant supplements has encouraged many companies to offer products that are enriched with these nutrients.

When you hear the term “antioxidants,” think of vitamin C, vitamin E, beta-carotene and other carotenoids, selenium, polyphenols and glutathione. These are just some of the dozens of different natural compounds that act as antioxidants.

Although we have a general idea of what these substances do, the exact mechanism is not well understood. They appear to slow the aging process by blocking the activity of free radicals and protecting cell structures from damage. In addition, some evidence suggests that they may reduce the risk of some chronic diseases by lowering levels of oxidative stress.

A healthy diet rich in fruits, vegetables, grains and nuts provides a good source of antioxidants. It is important to avoid processed foods as they typically contain fewer antioxidants than whole, natural foods. It is also advisable to avoid synthetically-derived or extracted antioxidants sold in pills, as they may have harmful side effects and are often not effective at the doses given.

Heart health

Heart disease can affect every aspect of your life, from clogged arteries to blood clots and even strokes. While there are things that can increase your risk for developing heart conditions, like a lack of physical activity, poor diet and smoking, you can also do something to lower your risk. One way to do this is by incorporating organic iced coffee and cold brew into your daily routine, which may help to promote heart health and overall wellbeing.

The caffeine found in coffee stimulates the nervous system, which increases energy levels and may improve performance during exercise or work. However, if you’re looking to avoid unnecessary side effects, consider sticking with an organic, dark-roasted blend. This will be more likely to contain the antioxidants kahweol and cafestol, which have been linked to heart health. These compounds reduce the absorption of glucose and may help to prevent insulin resistance.

In addition, dark-roasted coffees typically have a lower concentration of the chemical acrylamide than lighter roasts. This compound can cause liver damage and a weakened heart, which is why it’s important to keep your consumption in check.

When you choose a certified organic, fair-trade coffee, you’re supporting farmers who are working to maintain the best possible standards of production. Look for the seal of certification, which will indicate that the beans were produced with sustainable methods and have been handled without any chemicals or additives. Choosing coffee that is certified organic also supports the preservation of natural resources and biodiversity, as well as community development and environmental education.

Aim for at least two cups of coffee per day if you want to reap the most benefits from this beverage. Keep in mind that coffee can trigger heart palpitations in people who are sensitive to caffeine or have an underlying condition, so it’s a good idea to speak with your doctor before consuming it. If you do decide to go for a cup of organic iced coffee or cold brew, make sure to opt for dairy-free milk. There are many great options available on the market today that are healthier for your body, including soy, oat and coconut milks.

Brain health

The brain is the command center of the nervous system that enables thoughts, memory, movement and emotions. It is the highest product of biological evolution and keeping it healthy throughout life is the top priority when pursuing health and longevity. Unfortunately, neurological disorders such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s can affect the brain and lead to cognitive decline and other issues.

Regular coffee consumption can help keep the brain sharp by providing a natural boost of energy thanks to caffeine. This stimulates the central nervous system, including the brain, helping you think more clearly and increase your performance at work or during physical activities. It can also reduce the risk of developing neurodegenerative diseases, which tend to hit older people.

Organic iced coffee can also help you stay sharp by providing antioxidants that are beneficial for brain function. Studies show that these polyphenols protect against inflammation and promote healthy blood flow to the brain. This can reduce the onset of age-related cognitive disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease.

A cup of organic iced coffee can also help improve your memory and focus by increasing acetylcholine levels in the brain. Acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter that sends signals from the brain to the rest of your body. It also helps prevent a build-up of plaques that are associated with dementia and Alzheimer’s.

In addition to the benefits of a good quality Organic coffee, you can add other cognitive-boosting ingredients to your at-home brews. Try adding in some unsweetened coconut milk for a dose of healthy fats, some cinnamon for a boost of flavor and a pinch of vanilla for a hint of sweetness.

You can also find coffees that contain other natural ingredients that enhance your mental and physical performance, such as Four Sigmatic’s mushroom-infused coffee. It contains nine specific mushrooms, including lion’s mane, which is known for its brain-boosting properties and focus, and chaga, which is great for immune support. The blend also includes reishi mushrooms, which have been shown to lower stress levels and provide protection against free radical damage. It’s suitable for a wide range of diets, including vegan and ketogenic.

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